Whether your story has been told for years or being written for the first time, Storytelling Marketing and Narrative Driven Marketing Campaigns will evolve and integrate your marketing strategy.

All marketing strategies should directly impact demand generation, new customer acquisition and current customer retention. These strategies need to align with your organizational goals and be the three pillars of your marketing strategy. Long-term solutions to make your company distinctive in the marketplace.

Storytelling Marketing Strategy and Narrative Driven Marketing Campaigns are designed to integrate brand positioning, demand generation and sales development to produce whatever result you are looking for, from revenue generation to customer retention. When you document your company story and mirror it to the customers journey, you can develop an execution plan that encompasses Awareness, Interest and Action to align your marketing and customer communication efforts.


At reclaimedsales we believe any company can take what they have, use it where they are, and achieve their goals using Marketing Storytelling and Narrative Driven Marketing Campaigns.

There are innumerable marketing methods, strategies and tactics and the question everyone needs to answer is, which ones should we use?  The answer is different for every company, but it always starts with the customer and ends with your brand. No matter where you go, there you are. That ancient proverb is just as true for businesses. It goes hand in hand with how Jeff Bezos defines brand - Your brand is what people say about you when you're not in the room. The most successful companies not only create great stories for their brands - more importantly, they tie those stories to demand generation programs. A Marketing Storytelling Strategy and Narrative Driven Marketing Campaigns are integrated strategies to align your customer touchpoints in three parts.

1. A Company Story Map is a detailed evaluation focusing on the most compelling aspects of your company. Not a historical perspective, but a long-form story that contains keyphrases, keywords, company specific and distinctive language, without industry jargon but with a unique selling proposition and compelling plotline. Detailed keyword and competitive research makes this your brand playbook for content creation.

2. A Customer Buying Journey creates the written or plotted documentation for the common path to purchase for your customers. From this universal map you can create more extensive, segmented and personalized journeys. One primary goal is to identify all touchpoints and barriers to purchase and create a more effortless buying journey for customers to follow. Helping to overcoming objections early on in the marketing and sales process is another key goal in creating a detailed map of your customer buying journey.

3. The Strategic Execution Plan is a document that mirrors your Company Story to the Customer Journey with content developed to not only overcome objections but to anticipate and encourage whatever journey the customer determines is best for them. This integrated marketing strategy positions your company to achieve the major goals that every businesses needs to succeed - Awareness, Interest and Action.

Awareness and unique brand positioning is acheived through thought leadership and subject matter expertise. Storytelling and Narrative Campaigns rely on content created to establish the company as an industry leader. This content sets the themes for long and short form storytelling, blogs, newsletters, articles and presentations that form the basis of your company story.

Interest is generated from customers on a path to purchase when keywords and content are placed at strategic interactions and touchpoints, places designed to generate interest in your company offerings that move customers further and faster through the marketing funnel. Customer journey specific content and personalized content is used to create engagement and keep customers on a path to purchase.

Action takes whatever form your company needs to succeed. Lead generation inquiries, meeting requests, special offers or whatever valuable step you need a customer to take.


Like many businesses, you may have prospects and customers who simply don’t know what you do, or worse, think they know but are mistaken. During a rebrand for a long established global organization we discovered what has become known as Perception Correction. The essence of this analysis and strategy is to create a clear vision for customers about an organization, regardless of how they are currently seen. This is one more tool we identified to ensure that marketing was telling a story that customers can clearly understand. Perception Correction becames optometry for a vintage brand. So if your customer’s vision has them squinting to see who and what you are, we use Perception Correction to show your company what corrective measures to take and give your customers the right lens to see cleary what you offer.